Remotely Operated - Managing Scattered Teams
While work environments where employees don’t occupy the same physical space are commonly called “remote” or “distributed”, these terms don’t adequately describe the stress of doing your job seperated from your colleagues. A more accurate terms is “scattered”, and this talk will provide guidelines for managing scattered teams.
Companies are increasingly recognizing the viability of remote teams, and many managers are finding themselves tasked with effectively supporting scattered teams. If a company has long embraced the remote model, then this support is done within the context of existing organizational structures and norms. However, if the company adopted the remote model under duress, then managers have to learn how to operate in new ways while learning new competencies. Using the analogy of flying a drone, this talk will help managers support remote teams and improve their performance.
- The New Era of Scattered Teams
- Self-Management
- Healthy Teams Need Healthy Managers
- Model Behavior
- Maintaining Air Support
- Communication
- DRY (Deliriously Repeat Yourself)
- Tailoring Communication
- Team Management
- Onboarding
- Individual Attention
- Recognition
What Attendees Have Said
Qcon Plus 2021
Great speaker. Nice to hear a recognizable Story with a lot of suggesties and tips.
Very easy to follow and practical.
Presentation was great and on spot. I really liked how he pointed out that principles of management in office and remote are the same. And then we have to do a little more to make the remote option work, but it can be done successful (pre COVID!!!!) today (in COVID) and beyond.